Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Important! Moving to Wednesday night!

At the request of myself, we have decided to record the show WEDNESDAY, January 2nd this week. If you read this, please come out and support us, because we could definitely use the live participation, since some of our regulars will most likely not be able to make it. If absolutely no one shows up, we will abort the Wednesday night attempt and move back to Thursday, so check back here for updates. Thanks for bearing with us!


Lauren said...

Sounds pretty okee dokee to me!

Thanks for keeping us addicts fixed during the holiday season!

arbitrary said...
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arbitrary said...
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arbitrary said...

Am actually going to try and make it sometime, even though it's 3am for me!

Unknown said...

I should be able to make it :D

I don't know if you guys have ever used Skype, I just got it a week ago and it's pretty cool.

Faith said...

Ooooooh, Skype....lol

Back in the day, when Lost was still on and we called into Cranky Fanatic, I tried to use Skype every single week...Skype HATES...

But if it likes you, then more power to you ^_^