Monday, January 25, 2010

The INCIDENT....Part 2.

So yeah, by now you've seen that we only covered Part 1 of The Incident last week. But do not fear, this week we will cover the amazing Part 2 of the episode.

Please do join us for the final episode before LOST RETURNS on Feb. 2nd.

Short and sweet post this week. Have a good one!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Hello all,

Well it's about two weeks until LOST Season 6 starts. Part of me wishes it would never get here, cause the sooner it does, the sooner the series will end. TEARS!! However, there's a bigger part of me that cannot wait until it gets here. So I guess since it will eventually get here, I should just deal with it.

Meanwhile, you have The Lost Flashbacks!! Two shows left until the premiere, and the next one will be a doooosey. We will be covering The Incident. Maybe the best episode of the series, and at the very least, one of the most interesting and mind blowing episodes of the series. Amanda and I will be covering this episode very in depth, and exploring why Jacob goes to see the people he does when he does, and why he goes to see a certain person when that person "wasn't even on Jacob's List".

We will be going live at 9:00 PM ET. That's 9:00, not 10:00. If you come at 10:00 that would be fine, but you would miss the ever so exciting rambling and stalling that occurs at the beginning of every episode. And of course we will be recording on Thursday. Links to join us are on the right hand side, just scroll down.

If all that wasn't enough to make you want to come, then I know this will. Since NotLocke AKA MatLocke AKA MIB AKA Will Smith plays such a big roll, we may have a special guest star who we hope will answer some questions.

Hope to see you all there, and don't forget to vote in the poll!! Your votes matter, if a lot of people want us to continue to focus on Lost then we will have many more Lost related episodes post-finale(tears!!).

Namaste and....BYYYYYYYEEE!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Following the Lost Flashbacks

Hey all! Hope to see people at our special show on Thursday. We'll be covering Follow The Leader. I enjoy this episode, and it has some great moments from Richard. It doesn't have enough Richard moments to be centric around him, but we'll leave that for the show.

In addition to the Follow the Leader, we'll be having a nice discussion about the future of the podcast. What will become of us when Lost ends?? I mean after the tears. If you have any thoughts about that please vote in the poll on the right hand side of the screen, and also please come to the show Thursday night! Links can also be found on the right hand side.

Hope to see you there!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Return!

Don't forget all, we are back on Jan 7, 2010. This is the same day as the BCS Championship game, so expect Josh, and perhaps Amanda to be distracted. Don't worry though, there will be no cursing or yelling.

In this episode we will cover Some Like it Hoth, and The Variable. Since recently saw the Family Guy spoof of Empire, I think I will enjoy this even more.

Hope to see ya'll there.