Saturday, October 25, 2008

I would just like to say....

...that we have a couple of very exciting collaborations in the works once this schedule is played out (ie: after this week.), both of which have been hinted to on the show. Definitely stay tuned, especially if you're a fan of a certain other show that we've been trying not to talk about.

Let the speculation begin.

In other news, I'm very disappointed at the lack of comments about the promo. Just because you saw it somewhere else first doesn't mean that I know what you thought of it. =p


Ella Rose said...

I didn't even know there was a promo until yesterday. Where have I been? Anyway, it was fantastic! It got me very, very, very excited about Season 5. It did a really good job of summarizing where we (and the Losties) have been, where (and when) they are, and where they might be headed. No spoilers that I could see, just a very good tease. And we ALL know what happens with a good tease? Excitement builds!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that promo was awesome. I'm gonna take a guess and say that your shows are gonna be a Lost ARG show and a Heroes "rewatch." lol?

Also Amanda, I took the liberty of extracting the audio from the scene you wanted, right... here!

Anonymous said...

Also, if that "other show" is what I think it is, I may just have to call in, since I consider myself to be the Amanda of that particular show. I've got a blog concerning it for crying out loud!

Faith said...


First and foremost, I LOVE YOU! ITS SO PRETTY *_*

Second, you are on the right track, and since you're so awesome, I will not be coy about it. An ARG show is not on the menu, so keep guessing. The other show IS Heroes, but I promise there's more to it than'll just have to either keep guessing, or wait and see!

*goes to listen to that track like a billion times*

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Do all the Losties obtain super-powers? Do the Heroes get trapped on an island? Or will Jack and Claire duke it out for who cries the most? I guess I'll have to see.

Petor23 said...

That Apollo Bar should be the last thing you eat before you die.

Tristan said...

so...whatever came of this cross-over thingy?