Howdy all. This is a pretty sobering post. This is the last time I will be updating the blog while Lost is still on the air. The amount that I love you guys, and want to thank you for listening is beyond words. We would not still be doing the podcast without you guys. Originally we had planned to simply do a hiatus rewatch just to keep our sanity following the season three finale. All that changed once we started hearing from you folks. We knew we had to keep going, and every week had so much fun chatting about the show, and even more fun hearing from everyone in the chat and on the blog. Lost is an amazing show, but I firmly believe it's the fan community that made it what it is. We've been on a wild ride, and it's almost over. For the rest of my life I'll be able to look back on my time watching Lost, and while I'll remember all the great moments, I'll remember the friends I've made and the great moments with those friends even more.
I really hope everyone in the East and Central time zone can make it to the chat on Finale Night, and I really hope everyone can make it to the show on Monday night. It's going to be quite an experience. We are going to talk about the episode, but really guys, it will be mainly about you all, and the fun we've had together. We're gonna reminisce about old episodes, and theories, and all the fun we had.
The title of this post really gets to me because this is what we all watched for. It wasn't simply to get an ending. In a way, part of me thinks Lost is a story that can never end, and with us fans introducing Lost to friends it never will. The reason we watched was to get caught up in an amazing journey and then talk endlessly about it with people who share our passion. I've never in my life seen a show that leads to the type of theorizing and debate and discussion that Lost does. BSG comes close, but that's more so about the reading between the lines. On Lost, every episode was a new adventure opening the door to new possibilities and even better, new theories. And yeah, almost all my theories turned out to be totally wrong. But that's ok, it makes it more fun.
I started this post expecting to talk about the episode, but I really don't have anything to say beyond what was in the podcast. It was like 3 hours long. Instead, I'd really like to open this up and have you guys post your favorite memories from both the podcast, and of course Lost. When did you start listening? What moment stands out? What's your favorite in-joke(we have MANY?
In case you don't already know, our plans have changed. We will NOT be attending Big-O's finalecast on Sunday because he's not doing a finalecast on Sunday. He is doing one on Tuesday. So, here's the plan. The chat will open at 8:00 PM ET, and i'll leave it open until we are done for the night. I will be called in so that the chat doesn't close, but I will not start the show. This will allow us all to be together to chat and experience Lost together. After Lost we're gonna watch Kimmel, and then possibly start the show around 12:30. Don't know exactly what that show will be. It might simply be us choking back tears and going on and on about the show we all love. We are STILL doing a Monday night show. We are not 100% sure when that show will start, could be as early as 8:00 PM ET. Trust me, that show will be LONG, so I hope everyone can make it. West Coasters, people from around the world, everyone. If you've ever listened to the podcast, you really need to be there, or at least call in. I will be unmuting people like it's a bodily function. This event will be epic!
There's nothing more to say, except hope to see you guys on Sunday and Monday and STAY LOST!!
As promised here is trailer for the new Lost Podcaster's Documentary "Audibly Lost" It really looks amazing! If you look closely you can easily see Josh and Amanda chatting about LOST!
"Audibly Lost" The Movie Trailer from Audibly Lost on Vimeo.
I was so sad reading this post - I actually was tearing up! If this is a prteview of what things will be like on Sunday night I don't know if I'll be able to stand it! LOVE the trailer for Congested's movie - can't wait to see the whole thing - it looks AMAZING!
I find you post very interesting, and I am interested to put thispost on my site. if you still have others post about it? maybe we could exchange articles
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