Hope everyone enjoyed the two shows the past two days. Both over 2 hours I believe!!! Back to our old ways.
I had so much fun talking about Trek with Big-O and Patrick. Wish Amanda could have been there more, but I assume her and I will mention Trek again in the future. :)
Well friends, another season of Lost has ended, and we all are wondering what will happen next. And of course I mean we all are wondering what will happen next in the Lost Flashbacks. I dont think any of us are wondering what will happen next in that ABC show about that hatch in the ground. Yeah right!!
Anyway, the following is a list of things being considered by the LFB, some of them will occur during the current hiatus, some will occur in the future, past Lost, and some may never occur.
1)A rewatch of seasons 4 and 5(I'm almost jumping out of my shoes excited for this after that finale)
2)A "watch" of Firefly. This will be us discussing it as if we are first watching it, so all you that never seen it can now watch it and enjoy it with us
3)A Star Trek watch(this may never occur, although I desperatly want it to)
4)A BSG rewatch(this also may never occur, mainly because GWC did it better than we could ever dream of)
5)Favorite Movie Watch(This will occur once Lost is over, look for it to be a mainstay)
6)A NEW CONTEST(listen for details in upcoming episodes of LFB)
Thank you everyone for making it possible for us to do this show, this also will act as the Offical Lost Season Finale thread. so if you have crazy comments or theories, post them here!
Current theory, the alternate realities in Star Trek and Fringe are the same reality and it's the same as the one created in Lost now. Oh yeah and everyone is a Cylon.