Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Whiny Claire, the sequel

...because I said I would - enjoy!


Lauren said...


Unknown said...

Now THAT'S a good one :D Only thing missing is for her to snap her fingers and do that craning neck thing!

Seems like everyone pronounces "Charlie" different, or at least my imitations of them differ.

Claire's is CHAH-LEE!
Eko's is CHONNIE! (That's more my version than his)
Desmond's is CHULAY.
Jack's is HURLEY! Well, just this one time he called Charlie by name and I thought he had said "Hurley".

Good grief, somebody stop me with these ridiculously long comments.

elias said...

lovely stuff

Ella Rose said...

That IS special! Can't wait until Claire finds out what happened to Chalie (and why, if that's possible) and feels guilty about how she treated him. But then they'll probably make me like her. All I have to do is look at that picture and remember the truth! lol

Lauren said...

So, it took me like 3 days of staring at that banner to realize how truly horrible that first picture Claire! Boo!

Unknown said...

I know it, she looks like she's wearing those fake teeth that Matt Dillon wears in "There's Something About Mary".

Congested said...

That banner is great!

peony said...

she wont feel guilty because her baaaabe will be crying

peony said...

everytime i feel like i need a laugh i look at that photo of charlie...its the funnest thing ever