Thursday, March 6, 2008


I finished the game.


I know most of you probably saw it on DarkUFO long before I did, but I didn't want to be spoiled.

I won't say anything here about it, but that ending...WOW!!!


Congested said...

Cool Josh. Looking forward to your thoughts on it. I thought it was cool, but I also have mixed feelings about it tying into the actual show... but whatever, it was a cool ending either way.

arbitrary said...

Ha ha, I'm about 30 mins into the game cos I got it for my birthday (which isnt yet) and haven't had a chance to play it since I've been doing too much overtime. Will add thoughts when I do.

Unknown said...

can't wait to hear them Bex.

We probably will do a whole Theme Show about the game, it would be cool if you could join us for that.

arbitrary said...

I'm so sloooow (blame all this overtime!).

Am in Chap 5 now though, so getting there (though LotRO is taking my time tonight, but I should get to Chap 6 tomorrow :-))

I think I keep going to talk to Sawyer just for fun though...

arbitrary said...

Ok! I just finished it - definitely a mental ending there.

Agree with congested about having some mixed feelings about how that ties in with the show, but well.. am really glad to have done it and watched it.

Congested said...

Cool bex. I'm looking forward to the theme show about the game. Hopefully Amanda gets to play it too.