Thursday, July 24, 2008


I'm just back from seeing it for the 2nd time. Yes I know, it's been out 5 what?

Honestly, this movie is AMAZING! It's more than a comic book movie, more than a crime drama, it's bigger than that.

And Heath as the Joker? People are not crazy when they compare the genius of his preformance to Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector. If he is not nominated for Best Supporting Actor, the Oscars need to be dismantled for stupidity.

Go see this movie. Even if you think you will hate it, go see it...GO! But don't go Thursday Night at 9:00 cause that's when our show is on....but we will be talking about THE DARK KNIGHT this week so if you were planning on seeing it then, go for it, then listen to the show and smile, and if you don't smile...Why so serious?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fantasy League

Fantasy/Prediction league submissions close this week, so if you haven't signed up yet, we'd love to have you as a member of team Lost Flashbacks. You can find all the information you need here for the Fantasy League and here for the Prediction League


Friday, July 18, 2008

About last night

Okay, so I don't really want to talk about it, suffice to say I was having a mental breakdown. Literally. But apparently the show was a success, and my mom was there, so all is well.

Anyhoo, the MAIN reason for this post is to make sure that everyone and their grandmother sees Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

...okay, maybe don't actually show your grandma. But Neil Patrick Harris is a comedic genius, and Nathan Fillion is, well, Nathan Fillion.

Thats right - I said Nathan Fillion.

In other news, I still have problems separating my fandoms, as was evident when I saw Dark Knight ("If they kill Richard Alpert, I'm going to weep for days").

I won't tell you if I'm weeping or not, because I know a lot of people haven't seen it, but seriously - go see it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sorry no show!

Sorry no show all. As you could tell from my last comment in the thread below, I've been pretty busy, and I was so sleepy last night I actually fell asleep at about 11:00. Very early for me. For those who were there last night, thank you so much, we had some good talks(not about Lost, but still).

The Topic, "Lost Spin-Offs" will be next week. I promise.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Last night was not as wildly successful as I had hoped it would be. First of all, my phone cut out, and I had to steal my special guest's phone - so he was on the call for like ten minutes x.x THEN Josh had to leave early, and I was left rambling alone for several minutes, instead of actually having a discussion. And finally, it would not let me close the show, so there is a CRAPTON of dead air at the end - please ignore it.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

And tomorrow's theme is....

So, based on recent events, and the fact that we don't actually want to do ANOTHER Lost re-watch (at least not yet), tomorrow's theme will be....

Battlestar Galactica, this is not a belated April Fool's joke. We were at a loss for a theme, and Josh said he really wanted to do a BSG show. I told him that I had JUST finished the series, and had actually been discussing it with some of our listeners via the blog. So if you've NEVER seen Battlestar, I don't reccomend showing up


If you are watching, but are not yet finished with the series, I am COMPLETELY open to doing a spoiler free discussion first, and then moving on after everyone who hasn't finished yet has gotten their two cents in. I don't see why Josh would be against this, so please, if you're in the middle of season 2 or something, don't let that stop you. We can do this multiple ways, and I'm sure we can find one that works for everyone who wants to say something. If you have friends who watch BSG but not Lost, please invite them! I'm sure we can turn this into something fun, and I'm absolutely looking forward to it =D

If you do not watch Battlestar, I apologize for somewhat neglecting you this week, and I HIGHLY recommend that you put the miniseries at the top of your Netflix queue right now!

Those who won't be joining us, have a lovely 4th of July! And those who live outside the US - well its still going to be a nice day, and its always fun to play with sparklers!

-Amanda (like you can't tell us apart, even without me saying "Josh said...")