Thursday, July 3, 2008

And tomorrow's theme is....

So, based on recent events, and the fact that we don't actually want to do ANOTHER Lost re-watch (at least not yet), tomorrow's theme will be....

Battlestar Galactica, this is not a belated April Fool's joke. We were at a loss for a theme, and Josh said he really wanted to do a BSG show. I told him that I had JUST finished the series, and had actually been discussing it with some of our listeners via the blog. So if you've NEVER seen Battlestar, I don't reccomend showing up


If you are watching, but are not yet finished with the series, I am COMPLETELY open to doing a spoiler free discussion first, and then moving on after everyone who hasn't finished yet has gotten their two cents in. I don't see why Josh would be against this, so please, if you're in the middle of season 2 or something, don't let that stop you. We can do this multiple ways, and I'm sure we can find one that works for everyone who wants to say something. If you have friends who watch BSG but not Lost, please invite them! I'm sure we can turn this into something fun, and I'm absolutely looking forward to it =D

If you do not watch Battlestar, I apologize for somewhat neglecting you this week, and I HIGHLY recommend that you put the miniseries at the top of your Netflix queue right now!

Those who won't be joining us, have a lovely 4th of July! And those who live outside the US - well its still going to be a nice day, and its always fun to play with sparklers!

-Amanda (like you can't tell us apart, even without me saying "Josh said...")


arbitrary said...

ha ha, will definitely try and be there since I finished the series this week also.

Now, to set my alarm clock...

(but if Talkshoe still forces people to phone in, I'll be straight back to bed)

Unknown said...

I am totally gonna start watching that show myself, I've been meaning to for the better part of a month going here.

Anonymous said...

Too bad I could only make the show for 10 minutes! I came in when they started going into season 4 (I have only watched the first disc of season 3) so I had to leave in order to not overly spoil myself.