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(Aforemetioned) Lost Flashbacks Inside Joke-off : Go
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Rule 1 : No double (triple) posting
You think I'm stupid!
I got a dead Boone for my birthday.
...tactics....should I wait, or go now?
To hell with it.
Josh's Sayid accent (which was incidentally used for Eloise Hawking in the 100th episode XD)
On the subject of Josh's Sayid accent...
What is a webelo?
Sayid doesn't sleep...he waits.
(happy 100 you crazy kids)
We got... caught in a net.
Jack's vein.
Crazy Jack.
..Pissy Jack. on a technicality.
Spencer says :
Not being able to pronounce Javier Grillo-Marxuach
But since I know you all were crying without one, I HAVE A THEORY!
Simple, Jack and Kate try to go through with Faraday's plan to detonate the hydrogen bomb, which Richard leads them to. Since the Swan hatch was in hostile territory anyway, it is was buried nearby. Jack stupidly thinks, "yay, its so close to the swan station that it should easily negate all of the energy!" So they go and detonate it, while people are working on the hatch, causing a catastrophe, with power about 30,000 times the natural electromagnetic phenomenon on the island. Because Faraday was already drilling it into Chang's head that there would be an electromagnetic incident at the swan, he immediately assumes that it is one, thus creating "the incident". Bam. Sorry if that's a little confusing, I'm in a hurry to get out the house right now, and didn't want to forget it.
And back to the game...
Jack "Matthew Fox" Shephard at Damon Lindelof's office.
Jack is wearing a fake beard, not Foxy. XD
Dharma Theatrical Glue
And he punched him in the FACE!
I don't think it was so much the beard as it was the MOUSTACHE.
Dude, I still refer to it as Final Fantasy X sometimes, as in X, the letter. Sir Jecht is awesome.
I'm listening to your 100th show now, I'm so sorry I haven't been more active this season! I know I keep saying "I gotta get back!" (wehavdagubaack!) and just this work schedule. Dangit.
That dude will ALWAYS be Marvin Candle. I don't care what anybody says.
You've never heard anyone say "I love you back?" Then you MUST see "While You Were Sleeping" :D
My BABY!!!!
THEORY: Kelvin's Radzinsky was Hurley. Far cooler person replaces shot in the face Radzinsky. Eh?
Why Hurley though? I was thinking that, possibly, Radzinsky is a name mentioned is some paperwork and there IS NO RADZINSKY *shock*.
The Heroes Eclipse. IS that an inside joke? maybe?
Oh, and this blog TOTALLY deserves 100 comments.
Hurley clearly read the numbers in 4.04, he still has a lot to do in Dharma days and seems to be the perfect candidate to stay behind. So confusing though...
The viney tree of salvation.
How did I forget viny tree? *facepalm*
And of course, the Locke doll.
The "Lockdown" voice that interrupted calls at the 3 hour mark.
Walt's mum is a bitch.
LOST's schedule revolves around that of Lost Flashbacks.
The producers listen to the show.
Amanda - did you know that Hearts and Mids got the second highest ratings for Season 1? Behind Whatever the Case May Be (21 mil), it got 20.8 mil. Exodus, part 2 got 20.71.
JealousGuy = laugh track.
Speed Racer/Speed Racer is a Jack-centric flashforward.
lol. As is Vantage Point.
Esquire! If that counts.
Hannah Montana. I've infiltrated at least two episodes with that crap.
Enjoy your breakfast.
[/game] Did I never say that? Dammit! [game]
the apple turtle conundrum
Richard Alpo has very much potential. Thus that is my candidate: Richard Alpo.
Burke - Verb - To strike with a bus. "Sayid's wife got Burked"
Big-O is the podfather.
Parts unknown! and/or NOT in parts unknown.
Amanda's million word e-mail to the writers, one word at time.
Special is not worthy of being called an episode.
Canine politicians.
Sayid's expert plans.
conveniently timed train horns
Every year should have its own color, according to Josh. (Is Lost Back Yet, Part 3)
My name is Benjamin Linus.
You killed my daughter.
Prepare to die.
Yogi Boar!
The black hole that eats up Josh's iTunes.
Amanda calling the listeners kids
Peanut butter!
Namaste... byyyyyeee.
Lost actors naked!
.....why did my email address come up just before? Weird.
Live Together, Die Alone:
It's a trap!
...should I feel bad for not understanding Felix?
The 80,000 channels that air LOST!
Three Phrase Locke Doll
@Tristan BSG.
@Jimmy FAIL. "Blogger Tristan said...
How did I forget viny tree? *facepalm*
And of course, the Locke doll.
May 7, 2009 10:49 PM"
I expect this one to last a lonnnnng time. Which is why I elect it:
Don't insult a hydrogen bomb.
And my candidate...
Is it too early for Trispatricksan?
Is Amanda's mum here?
Karl and his defective canteen.
Jack is Jubilee
VLHC and SLHC if it counts
Josh telling Amanda to ask if she can call Blake Bashoff Karl. I think.
Nikki Stafford's Finding Lost knows all
Amanda is Indian (again, too early?)
Don't be Amanda's Favorite Character
adding on to nikki stafford the book knows all EXECPT that Show Me the Way to Go Home was in Jaws
No offence Jimmy, but I don't think you are allowed to post more than once.
Bring back Patchy, cut off Locke's head.
i know that i shouldnt but the episode came on and i had to or else i wouldve forgotton
The Bizarro episode!
Sun = BAMF (Bad Ass Man F---er)
Gratuitous slow motion.
Flock of Seagulls (c)
[insert name here] is a Cylon.
Is Sayid's Brother ok?
Guess Who.
This was referred to as an inside joke in Exodus, I have no knowledge of where it came from.
Live Together Dial Alone = best title ever
Boone is gay in alternate time-line.
Whenever there's a continuity error it's because we're stepping into a parallel universe
Addiction to Sporcle.
Does anyone else find it funny that a user called Tom spoke about someone being gay? XD
Zachary Quinto being probably the only reaason anyone watches Heroes
Tom is gay because Kate's not his type.
(seemed funny at the time)
the very first scene of the first Richard flashback being a 5 year old Richard going into his mother's purse finding eyeliner and putting it on for the first time
@Patrick Already did it!
100 comments! BOOM.
I mean come on! #josh-isms
what so no ones gonna post any more now that we've reached 100 cmon! LET'S KEEP IT GOIN!
Locke beating the flame chess game being his proudest moment
I BELIEVE this would be the 87th inside joke. Cause it's not the meaningless comments that matter, it's the jokes.
87. It is, in fact, J.J. ABRAMS who listens to the show.
Too soon? I think not.
The titles of episodes will soon become answers to questions
EXAMPLE: 6x16 - Smokey is Nanobots
Hey look! Another commercial for Eli Stone!
Crazy cats. too soon? maybe. but let's just roll with it.
Did this inside joke-off just die?
Amanda's pharmaceutical knowledge.
Josh's multible voices
Me thinking Gaeta looked like Sayid. #FAIL
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