Happy Wednesday, everyone! I know we're in the off-season, but Wednesdays still equal Lost for me because of the show =D Here's a little preview of what we'll be discussing tomorrow - and maybe some incentives to come and join us?
-I will be unveiling my very own personal crackpot theory. Oh yeah, its out there...but its pretty interesting as far as I'm concerned...and you know you wanna hear about it!
-One thing that I'd really like to discuss is Locke's crossword puzzle from 2.08 Collision. Unfortunately, I think it might come off a little awkward on air. But wait, I have this blog! So I'll just post my findings here.
So we all see that Locke is working on number 42 (=O!), and that they clue says "Enkidu's friend." Hopefully you also saw that the answer to this clue was Gilgamesh, as Locke was just filling it in when we saw the shot. I don't know about the rest of the world, but I knew little to nothing about that story, so here is what Wikipedia has to say:
EnkiduGilgameshThe Epic of GilgameshI would love to hear theories on how anyone can relate that to Lost...could Locke (or anyone else) represent Enkidu? Gilgamesh?
In other news, there are several other clues listed, and we also see many of the answers that Locke has already filled out. The hints are:
36. Macbeth...place
37. Belgian Port
38. Robbed
40. WWII movie feature : hyph. wd.
42. Enkidu's friend
43. Less brazen
And under the Across column, we can see "...African." I'm assuming that the first clue reads "Macbeth's place," and I'm assuming that that is
Inverness. The Belgian port is Ghent, "robbed" is "ransacked," but I have no idea what "WWII movie feature : hyph. wd." or "less brazen" could be. There are two definitions of brazen, the literal and the figurative, so I suppose either could be applicable, but without seeing how many letters or anything I can't even make a guess.
As I said, we also see many of the answers that Locke has filled in, but some of them don't even make sense. I'll list all of the ones that I caught:
- Age - there have been many theories about the Other's aging process after we saw Richard Alpert in 2.20....could this be an early hint?
- Covet - Self explanatory, but interesting nonetheless.
- Edgar - Marvin Candle's new alias in the Orchid film was Edgar Hallowax...hmm...or maybe a reference to Edgar Allan Poe? Something about Locke has always reminded me of his writing...
- Log - the inhabitants of the Pearl filled out Log books that were sent by pneumatic tube to a field in the middle of the island, though those who filled them out were told that they would be sent to another location for review.
- Iona - An island in the Hebrides
- Tense - well there's certainly some tension between a couple of the characters on the show...Jack/Locke, anyone? And there are many more such relationships just around the corner.
- Group - Well we've had a group of Losties, and now we're adding a group of tailies to make one big fantastic group....and lets not forget the group of Others that we have yet to be introduced to at this point.
- Cicero - very interesting
- Brr - a polar bear reference? Maybe a nod to Penny's friends in the Arctic?
Someone much smarter than me has already gone onto Lostpedia and created an article for this crossword where you can see all of the other answers. There is a very interesting point about what would happen if Locke had the incorrect answer to 42 down, and the answer was actually "scripture." You can also see screenshots there, but here's mine, complete with with upped saturation and contrast :

So thats all the teaser you get! If you have anything to add about things I've mentioned, or anything else in either episode, JOIN US LIVE tomorrow at 9 p.m. EST. The talkcast ID is 35516. Also, there are two new ways that you can support the podcast. You can go to our article on Digg and Digg the cast - because we would really digg you for doing it <3333 Also, if you're a livejournal user, you can join my Lost haiku community - doesn't that sound like fun! If you're there, you might as well visit my graphics journal, too, because I love the attention =p
If you can't make it to the recording, don't forget to download the episode on Friday, and email us all of your thoughts and theories at lostflashbacks@gmail.com
Until tomorrow, Losties....Namaste!