Friday, September 14, 2007

PS - This is the post

THIS is the post that you can reply to if you read the blog =)


travis said...

Hey, y'all got I a shout out from Jack of Jay and Jack! That's bigtime!

Faith said...

Tell me about it...we were SO excited..I still am^^;

Congested said...

Aha! I posted! Now what?!

(hint - now post on blog more)

Congested said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Congested said...

HAX! - I deleted my post and edited it!... here it is...

Amanda, to be honest you can't expect people to want more blog if you don't give them more blog, no? :D (hint - give more blog!)

A good start may be posting both the episode every week and in a separate post the haikus every week. It would give new subscribers or new listeners a chance to see what you guys are about if they get linked to your "website" (this page). Also it would keep your RSS feeds booming twice a week (with a show post and a haiku post) until this whole (really damn cool) thing you and Josh are doing winds down before next season. Oh well, see you next week. - congested

elias said...

Save the blogspot save the....well, you know the rest.

travis said...

About Sarah's SUV accident...don't get hung up on semantics. They both drove SUVs...they hit each other head-on. Sarah admits her car left her lane and hit Rutherford. So it was correct when the doctor said Shannon's dad was hit head on. People say "I hit an SUV" not "my SUV hit an SUV" -- it's too wordy.

Ella Rose said...

Hi! I definitely read the blog.