Sorry all for the lateness of this, but I have been VERY busy.
Here's the updated schedual starting now, and including the episode tonight.
Episode 85 - RambleCast AKA Change of Plans
December 18, 2008
We'll discuss many things tonight. Lost, Heroes, Dexter, Fringe, BSG, The BS that is the Golden Globes, some Sports, and anything else out there.
Amanda may not make it so I hope there's someone there for me to talk to or the "Ramblecast" may become a "RantCast". This was orignally going to be the Lost DVD episode. But Netflix, or my mail man messed up and I never recieved the 2nd Bonus Disk(it should be here either Tomorrow or Monday) DAMN YOU NETFLIX....even though you're the greatest creation since the flashfoward.
Episode 86 - Is Lost Back Yet? Part 3
January 1, 2009
Tonight on the 1st night of 2009 we'll discuss the 3rd season of Lost. Remember Lost? It last aired WAY back in 2008!!!
Season 3 started off kinda slow, and at times crappy, but then is finished with an amazing bang. I've never seen a show that made me think both "fire these writers" and also "should I build a shrine to these writers in my room? YES!" in the same season. Hell, in the same MONTH!!
Episode 87 - The Lost Season 4 DVDs and To Be Announced
January 8, 2009(1/08)
Tonight is 1/08!!!!! And to celebrate we'll discuss Lost. lol More specifically the DVDs, and also possibly more. Depending on the level of tiredness and availabilty of a co-host whose name will remain a secret(hint: not me), this episode may infact be a Character Analysis of James "SAWYER" Ford.
Episode 88 - Is Lost Back Yet? Part 4
Today we discuss Season 4 Of Lost. We also will reveal the winner of the Contest, and discuss the up coming season of LOST!
Due to the season 4 DVDs I have realized once again how amazing season 4 was. This will be a great show, and if you don't like listening to "homers"(those who support something no matter what) who will not like this episode. As for the contest, this is the big day. Those in the know, pretty much know the winner, but those who don't know...i hope the anticipation is fun. :)
And at the end we'll discuss SEASON 5, and what The Lost Flashbacks will be doing for the next 4 months or so. The short version...not two episodes a week. At least that's the plan for now.
Well there you go Flashbackers(that's my new name for fans of the show). I hear there's a huge battle between those who think it should be Flashbackers, or Flashbackies. It's a battle that may never end. :)
If you didn't get that joke, this may help, but at the same time make you very sad....Majel Barrett, the voice of the Starship Enterprise, Lawaxana Troi, and widow of the late GREAT BIRD OF THE GALAXY Gene Roddenberry has died. There are few people and voices that scifi fans know better, trust more, and love more than Majel Barrett. She will be missed a great deal by this TREKKIE!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
...about the confusion and lack of show last week. Talkshoe refused to believe that I was Josh, so it wouldn't let me start the show. Really, after you call in from one number, it remembers it, and doesn't ask for your user ID. So I would have had to be calling in from Josh's phone to start the show =( Hopefully this week will be better, and I might make an appearance later on. Sorry again for the confusion!
Also, thanks so much to Tristan and Guest 3 for showing up, and being understanding when the show didn't happen. Hope to see you both back soon!
Also, thanks so much to Tristan and Guest 3 for showing up, and being understanding when the show didn't happen. Hope to see you both back soon!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Here's the deal.
I'm just gonna do a short show tonight. I don't want to just leave it, because I can't be here next week, but I'm also quite sick and it hurts to talk x.x Will be discussing the scene that was released I believe two weeks ago now, and whatever else comes to mind. If there were other people there, that would be awesome. Thanks for bearing with me!
We'll start at 9 p.m., est
We'll start at 9 p.m., est
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
So, Thursday... still up in the air. Sorry for the lack of information, but I didn't want to post something and be like...well, like this x.x
One of my best friends got engaged over the weekend (Congrats, June! ((She won't read this))), so we're trying to get an evening together to celebrate. This Thursday is one of the nights in question, but its pretty short notice, so I would be surprised if we pull it off.
IF there is a show on Thursday, it will start at 9 p.m. EST. So far, its just me and my mom on the guest list, so if you don't want this to be like one of our standard Monday-night-phone-calls, and possibly hear us go off on Twilight tangents (you don't), I suggest you join us. I'm sure I'll know by tomorrow if my dinner plans are going to work out, but I promise as soon as I find out, I will post.
Also, if you're planning on coming to gush over (or not) Mr. Ford with us, please let me know. Knowledge that more people would be present would be a great incentive to do the show...I might get kind of weirded out if its just gonna me Mummy 'n Me x.x
...Okay, I think that's enough rambling for one night x.x
One of my best friends got engaged over the weekend (Congrats, June! ((She won't read this))), so we're trying to get an evening together to celebrate. This Thursday is one of the nights in question, but its pretty short notice, so I would be surprised if we pull it off.
IF there is a show on Thursday, it will start at 9 p.m. EST. So far, its just me and my mom on the guest list, so if you don't want this to be like one of our standard Monday-night-phone-calls, and possibly hear us go off on Twilight tangents (you don't), I suggest you join us. I'm sure I'll know by tomorrow if my dinner plans are going to work out, but I promise as soon as I find out, I will post.
Also, if you're planning on coming to gush over (or not) Mr. Ford with us, please let me know. Knowledge that more people would be present would be a great incentive to do the show...I might get kind of weirded out if its just gonna me Mummy 'n Me x.x
...Okay, I think that's enough rambling for one night x.x
Monday, November 3, 2008
Family Guy finally did a REAL Lost Parody last night! And who cares if it involves bathroom humor...its LOST!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I would just like to say....
...that we have a couple of very exciting collaborations in the works once this schedule is played out (ie: after this week.), both of which have been hinted to on the show. Definitely stay tuned, especially if you're a fan of a certain other show that we've been trying not to talk about.
Let the speculation begin.
In other news, I'm very disappointed at the lack of comments about the promo. Just because you saw it somewhere else first doesn't mean that I know what you thought of it. =p
Let the speculation begin.
In other news, I'm very disappointed at the lack of comments about the promo. Just because you saw it somewhere else first doesn't mean that I know what you thought of it. =p
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The first Season Five promo has been released, and it DELIVERS.
Dark UFO's post with screencaps
Dark UFO's post with screencaps
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Schedualing Update!!!
Ok all. Here is a list of Lost Flashbacks shows for the next month or so and a small blurb about each.
Episode 74 - Lostography - JJ Abrams
This is a new series we will be doing. Since we do Character Analysis, we thought it made sense to also talk about non-characters. In the first Episode we discuss Lost Creator, and fan of initals, JJ ABRAMS. Since this is tonight, it will be posted by the time you read this, so hope you enjoy.
Episode 75 - Who R Josh & Amanda: Top 10 TV Shows!!
This is pretty self-explanitory. Josh and Amanda list their Top 10 favorite shows of all time!! So prepare your hate mail!! I can assure you, Gray's Anatomy will not appear, will Lost? BSG? Heroes? Hole in the Wall? Listen and find out.
Episode 76 - Character Analysis - SUN (AKA BAMF!!)
Again pretty self-explanitory. We talk about Sun Kwon. We loved her, hated her, cried with her, and feared her. This will be a good show!
Episode 77 - A Look at all Those Dharma Stations
ENTER 77 is one of few episodes where we meet a brand new Dharma Station...The Flame. But what about the other ones? There are so many now, it's hard to keep track. Well join us, and help people(like me) remember them all.
Episode 78 - The Lost Music of Michael Giacchino
Maybe the most anticipated Lost Flashbacks episode EVER!! Josh and Amanda will discuss in detail the musical scores in Lost composed by Michael Giacchino. He Rocks!!!
Episode 79 - Is Lost Back Yet? Part 1
Another new series for The Lost Flashbacks. Leading up to Season 5 we will do a four part series where we will recap and discuss each of the four seasons. This is Season One. So please join us to discuss many of our favorites.
Episode 80 - The Scary Lost Island Election Episode
It's Mischief Night, Halloween Eve(AKA All Hallow's Eve Eve). It's also the last episode before the 2008 Presidential Election. We don't really know what this episode will be about. But by this day, Josh will be pretty insane, so whatever it is can be sure it'll be scary.
Hope y'all like!
Episode 74 - Lostography - JJ Abrams
This is a new series we will be doing. Since we do Character Analysis, we thought it made sense to also talk about non-characters. In the first Episode we discuss Lost Creator, and fan of initals, JJ ABRAMS. Since this is tonight, it will be posted by the time you read this, so hope you enjoy.
Episode 75 - Who R Josh & Amanda: Top 10 TV Shows!!
This is pretty self-explanitory. Josh and Amanda list their Top 10 favorite shows of all time!! So prepare your hate mail!! I can assure you, Gray's Anatomy will not appear, will Lost? BSG? Heroes? Hole in the Wall? Listen and find out.
Episode 76 - Character Analysis - SUN (AKA BAMF!!)
Again pretty self-explanitory. We talk about Sun Kwon. We loved her, hated her, cried with her, and feared her. This will be a good show!
Episode 77 - A Look at all Those Dharma Stations
ENTER 77 is one of few episodes where we meet a brand new Dharma Station...The Flame. But what about the other ones? There are so many now, it's hard to keep track. Well join us, and help people(like me) remember them all.
Episode 78 - The Lost Music of Michael Giacchino
Maybe the most anticipated Lost Flashbacks episode EVER!! Josh and Amanda will discuss in detail the musical scores in Lost composed by Michael Giacchino. He Rocks!!!
Episode 79 - Is Lost Back Yet? Part 1
Another new series for The Lost Flashbacks. Leading up to Season 5 we will do a four part series where we will recap and discuss each of the four seasons. This is Season One. So please join us to discuss many of our favorites.
Episode 80 - The Scary Lost Island Election Episode
It's Mischief Night, Halloween Eve(AKA All Hallow's Eve Eve). It's also the last episode before the 2008 Presidential Election. We don't really know what this episode will be about. But by this day, Josh will be pretty insane, so whatever it is can be sure it'll be scary.
Hope y'all like!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
So, tomorrow isn't happening....
I have to work my other job, plus I've given NO thought to theme...and I don't have the internet anymore. Clearly it is not my destiny to do the show tomorrow - but check back next week when hopefully Josh AND I will be back with something totally awesome
....oh, you know who this is =p
....oh, you know who this is =p
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
It's finally here, for all info, all rules, all specifications about the Video Contest check below. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments section of this thread, that way it'll become a sort of FAQ area. This post will include text that is repetitive.
Contest Basics
The contest is to create a video compilation of clips from the TV show LOST. These clips must be from every episode, and in the order that those episodes aired. The video as a whole should not be more than 10 min in length, and each clip should not be more than several seconds. The video needs to include a musical score that is ONE track. Both instrumental, and vocal tracks are allowed.
1)Video MUST contain at least ONE clip from EVERY episode of LOST(seasons 1-4).
2)Clips MUST be in order of when the episode AIRED.
3)The NAME of the episode MUST appear on the screen the entire time while that episode's clip is being shown.
4)The Video MUST begin with a title of some kind, and Lost title screen. (These can be the same thing, but a title will help to distinguish your video more)
5)You ARE allowed more than one clip from a given episode, but remember, you have a time limit.
6)This is NOT a screen shot contest, you must have video clips of the episodes.
7)Entire Video must not exceed 10 min. This is not a disqualifying offense, but it won't help.
8)Each episode does NOT need to be given equal time. (I.E. Clip for Dues Ex Machina can be longer than the one for Expose).
1)Music must be ONE continious track throughout the video.
2)Micheal Giacchino Music is definetly allowed, but LOST scores are forbidden. This IS a disqualifiying offense.
3)Both Instrumental and Vocal tracks are welcomed.(but not both in one video obviously)
How to get your videos to us
You have TWO options for sending us the video.
1)Upload it to Youtube, or any other free video provider, and then e-mail the link to us.
OR, and this is ONLY allowed after asking permission via E-mail.
2)Sending the video to us directly via E-mail.
The Lost Flashbacks Youtube page is There I believe you can send us the videos so we can view them, and then post them ourselves. That way we can be sure of no copying or stealing.
Due Date
The Absolute Final Due Date is Dec. 1, 2008.
Winners will be decided on the basis of how close the video meets the above specifications and how close it matches my(josh's) vision of the video. Quality is an important factor, but to keep it fair for all it will not be a deciding factor. Due to this, Quantity should be foremost in your mind. But if you can make them look amazing, it definetly would not hurt.
Annoucement of Winner
The Winner will be announced during the 1st Annual Flashies Awards which will air on the Lost Flashbacks Podcast sometime in December.
The Prize
The Winner will receive a $50 iTunes Gift Card
Other Info
Again, any questions AT ALL should be addressed in the comments thread below. If you have personal, or private questions they can be e-mailed to us at but try to ask them here. I'm sure if you have a question, others do too.
If you are interested in the Photo contest, please post it. The response has not been as large for that, so unless more people are interested, that contest might be disbanded.
Sorry for the delay
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I'm just back from seeing it for the 2nd time. Yes I know, it's been out 5 what?
Honestly, this movie is AMAZING! It's more than a comic book movie, more than a crime drama, it's bigger than that.
And Heath as the Joker? People are not crazy when they compare the genius of his preformance to Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector. If he is not nominated for Best Supporting Actor, the Oscars need to be dismantled for stupidity.
Go see this movie. Even if you think you will hate it, go see it...GO! But don't go Thursday Night at 9:00 cause that's when our show is on....but we will be talking about THE DARK KNIGHT this week so if you were planning on seeing it then, go for it, then listen to the show and smile, and if you don't smile...Why so serious?
Honestly, this movie is AMAZING! It's more than a comic book movie, more than a crime drama, it's bigger than that.
And Heath as the Joker? People are not crazy when they compare the genius of his preformance to Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector. If he is not nominated for Best Supporting Actor, the Oscars need to be dismantled for stupidity.
Go see this movie. Even if you think you will hate it, go see it...GO! But don't go Thursday Night at 9:00 cause that's when our show is on....but we will be talking about THE DARK KNIGHT this week so if you were planning on seeing it then, go for it, then listen to the show and smile, and if you don't smile...Why so serious?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Fantasy League
Fantasy/Prediction league submissions close this week, so if you haven't signed up yet, we'd love to have you as a member of team Lost Flashbacks. You can find all the information you need here for the Fantasy League and here for the Prediction League
Friday, July 18, 2008
About last night
Okay, so I don't really want to talk about it, suffice to say I was having a mental breakdown. Literally. But apparently the show was a success, and my mom was there, so all is well.
Anyhoo, the MAIN reason for this post is to make sure that everyone and their grandmother sees Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
...okay, maybe don't actually show your grandma. But Neil Patrick Harris is a comedic genius, and Nathan Fillion is, well, Nathan Fillion.
Thats right - I said Nathan Fillion.
In other news, I still have problems separating my fandoms, as was evident when I saw Dark Knight ("If they kill Richard Alpert, I'm going to weep for days").
I won't tell you if I'm weeping or not, because I know a lot of people haven't seen it, but seriously - go see it.
Anyhoo, the MAIN reason for this post is to make sure that everyone and their grandmother sees Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
...okay, maybe don't actually show your grandma. But Neil Patrick Harris is a comedic genius, and Nathan Fillion is, well, Nathan Fillion.
Thats right - I said Nathan Fillion.
In other news, I still have problems separating my fandoms, as was evident when I saw Dark Knight ("If they kill Richard Alpert, I'm going to weep for days").
I won't tell you if I'm weeping or not, because I know a lot of people haven't seen it, but seriously - go see it.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sorry no show!
Sorry no show all. As you could tell from my last comment in the thread below, I've been pretty busy, and I was so sleepy last night I actually fell asleep at about 11:00. Very early for me. For those who were there last night, thank you so much, we had some good talks(not about Lost, but still).
The Topic, "Lost Spin-Offs" will be next week. I promise.
The Topic, "Lost Spin-Offs" will be next week. I promise.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Last night was not as wildly successful as I had hoped it would be. First of all, my phone cut out, and I had to steal my special guest's phone - so he was on the call for like ten minutes x.x THEN Josh had to leave early, and I was left rambling alone for several minutes, instead of actually having a discussion. And finally, it would not let me close the show, so there is a CRAPTON of dead air at the end - please ignore it.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
And tomorrow's theme is....
So, based on recent events, and the fact that we don't actually want to do ANOTHER Lost re-watch (at least not yet), tomorrow's theme will be....
Battlestar Galactica, this is not a belated April Fool's joke. We were at a loss for a theme, and Josh said he really wanted to do a BSG show. I told him that I had JUST finished the series, and had actually been discussing it with some of our listeners via the blog. So if you've NEVER seen Battlestar, I don't reccomend showing up
If you are watching, but are not yet finished with the series, I am COMPLETELY open to doing a spoiler free discussion first, and then moving on after everyone who hasn't finished yet has gotten their two cents in. I don't see why Josh would be against this, so please, if you're in the middle of season 2 or something, don't let that stop you. We can do this multiple ways, and I'm sure we can find one that works for everyone who wants to say something. If you have friends who watch BSG but not Lost, please invite them! I'm sure we can turn this into something fun, and I'm absolutely looking forward to it =D
If you do not watch Battlestar, I apologize for somewhat neglecting you this week, and I HIGHLY recommend that you put the miniseries at the top of your Netflix queue right now!
Those who won't be joining us, have a lovely 4th of July! And those who live outside the US - well its still going to be a nice day, and its always fun to play with sparklers!
-Amanda (like you can't tell us apart, even without me saying "Josh said...")
Battlestar Galactica, this is not a belated April Fool's joke. We were at a loss for a theme, and Josh said he really wanted to do a BSG show. I told him that I had JUST finished the series, and had actually been discussing it with some of our listeners via the blog. So if you've NEVER seen Battlestar, I don't reccomend showing up
If you are watching, but are not yet finished with the series, I am COMPLETELY open to doing a spoiler free discussion first, and then moving on after everyone who hasn't finished yet has gotten their two cents in. I don't see why Josh would be against this, so please, if you're in the middle of season 2 or something, don't let that stop you. We can do this multiple ways, and I'm sure we can find one that works for everyone who wants to say something. If you have friends who watch BSG but not Lost, please invite them! I'm sure we can turn this into something fun, and I'm absolutely looking forward to it =D
If you do not watch Battlestar, I apologize for somewhat neglecting you this week, and I HIGHLY recommend that you put the miniseries at the top of your Netflix queue right now!
Those who won't be joining us, have a lovely 4th of July! And those who live outside the US - well its still going to be a nice day, and its always fun to play with sparklers!
-Amanda (like you can't tell us apart, even without me saying "Josh said...")
Thursday, June 19, 2008
So, I don't know if anyone has seen this....
...but I've found it thoroughly entertaining so far. One of my LJ groups linked to the article about Avatar, and then I was like "Oh! I bet there's one for Lost!" Lo and behold...
In fact, I bet there's one for about everything. I'm not going to look up the one for BSG, because, well...Season 3.
PS - I have to move out of my frakking HOUSE because of BSG spoilers...fantastic. =p
Anyhoo, have fun with this:
Uncyclopedia - Lost
Oh yeah, in the opening paragraph, there'sa spoiler warning that proceeds to spoil a whole bunch of things, most of which I haven't seen, but still already knew the ending to. Just a fair warning to maybe not read that pargraph? But I'm pretty sure its not a big deal - it spoils things like Planet of the Apes and Soylent Green.
I haven't talked to Josh yet, but I personally am leaning toward Thursday nights. How does everyone feel about that?
In fact, I bet there's one for about everything. I'm not going to look up the one for BSG, because, well...Season 3.
PS - I have to move out of my frakking HOUSE because of BSG spoilers...fantastic. =p
Anyhoo, have fun with this:
Uncyclopedia - Lost
Oh yeah, in the opening paragraph, there'sa spoiler warning that proceeds to spoil a whole bunch of things, most of which I haven't seen, but still already knew the ending to. Just a fair warning to maybe not read that pargraph? But I'm pretty sure its not a big deal - it spoils things like Planet of the Apes and Soylent Green.
I haven't talked to Josh yet, but I personally am leaning toward Thursday nights. How does everyone feel about that?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The first theme show of the hiatus is upon us. It's scheduled for the regular time at 9:00 on Monday, June 16. I hope y'all can make it. Since Sunday is Father's Day, this show will be all about the dads and the issues that just about every Lost character has with their dads. It should be lots of fun.
Next week will be a Character Analysis of Kate Austin AKA SUPERKATE. Now, you're probably asking yourself, "Now Josh, why make Kate the 2nd Character Analysis. Sure she's cute, and a murderer, but aren't there others who are more interesting?" My answer is, yes, there are probably others, but we're gonna do them in the order of when their 1st centric episode was. It's the only fair way.
I also am going to set up a page somewhere exclusively for Contest Info and put a link on this site. It's not up yet, but it's in the works. Fear not though, the end date is far in the future.
Finally, for the BSG fans out there who saw the season 4 mid-season finale....I MUST know what you think. Since you don't want to spoil Amanda at all, send me your thoughts on Facebook, or Myspace. You can find me on Facebook under my name(imagine that) which is Josh Spivack. And my Myspace page is linked here, although I rarely check it.
Happy Father's Day all.
Next week will be a Character Analysis of Kate Austin AKA SUPERKATE. Now, you're probably asking yourself, "Now Josh, why make Kate the 2nd Character Analysis. Sure she's cute, and a murderer, but aren't there others who are more interesting?" My answer is, yes, there are probably others, but we're gonna do them in the order of when their 1st centric episode was. It's the only fair way.
I also am going to set up a page somewhere exclusively for Contest Info and put a link on this site. It's not up yet, but it's in the works. Fear not though, the end date is far in the future.
Finally, for the BSG fans out there who saw the season 4 mid-season finale....I MUST know what you think. Since you don't want to spoil Amanda at all, send me your thoughts on Facebook, or Myspace. You can find me on Facebook under my name(imagine that) which is Josh Spivack. And my Myspace page is linked here, although I rarely check it.
Happy Father's Day all.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Day Off!
Don't forget, kids - we'll be taking the evening off tonight. And LORD, do I need it! Tune in next week when we start our legendary theme shows.
...thats right - legendary.
...thats right - legendary.
Friday, May 30, 2008
World Of Warcraft!!!!!!
"I'm gonna keep my eye on you"
"No, he didn't"
"Checkmate Mr. Eko"
"We have to go back???"
"Did he tell you I was off the island?"
Post any thoughts at all on the Season 4 Finale here! And Join us on Monday for our Re-watch of it.
"No, he didn't"
"Checkmate Mr. Eko"
"We have to go back???"
"Did he tell you I was off the island?"
Post any thoughts at all on the Season 4 Finale here! And Join us on Monday for our Re-watch of it.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Ten Hours...
Ten...frakking...hours!!! I can't even wait, guys. This day is going to drag like nothing else. Don't forget to watch the repeat episode at 8 so you can see the deleted parts of the press conference, and don't forget to CALL IN!
Anyone doing anything super cool to celebrate? A Lost-themed get together would be super fun =D
Anyone doing anything super cool to celebrate? A Lost-themed get together would be super fun =D
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Quick Contest Stuff, and Monday's Show.
Here is the link to a youtube video by some cool dude. It's a BSG round-up that is done very much the way the contest videos should look. Here's the link:
Some quick things about it. First, if you plan to watch BSG and don't want to be spoiled big time, don't watch it. Second, it's long, if you want your video that long it's ok, but remember it all has to be ONE track. In this video it's one, but he keeps cycling the same part over and over, that's a no-no. If you are having trouble finding longer tracks, just ask and i'll give you some ideas. Third, he has a couple bits of audio from the show, you can definetly do that, but don't do it a lot. And finally, you really should check out BSG, Amanda likes it a lot, and I LOVE IT!!!
Also, I realized today that the Monday show will be Memorial Day. Since that's like a holiday and stuff I'll understand if you all don't make it to the ramblecast, but we won't be starting until 9:30 like usual so after you get back from the shore(that's what we call the beach in NJ), or shopping, and you're all full from bar-b-q(mmmmm Bar-B-Q), come join us on The Lost Flashbacks as we discuss many crazy things.
Thanks all, you all rock.
Some quick things about it. First, if you plan to watch BSG and don't want to be spoiled big time, don't watch it. Second, it's long, if you want your video that long it's ok, but remember it all has to be ONE track. In this video it's one, but he keeps cycling the same part over and over, that's a no-no. If you are having trouble finding longer tracks, just ask and i'll give you some ideas. Third, he has a couple bits of audio from the show, you can definetly do that, but don't do it a lot. And finally, you really should check out BSG, Amanda likes it a lot, and I LOVE IT!!!
Also, I realized today that the Monday show will be Memorial Day. Since that's like a holiday and stuff I'll understand if you all don't make it to the ramblecast, but we won't be starting until 9:30 like usual so after you get back from the shore(that's what we call the beach in NJ), or shopping, and you're all full from bar-b-q(mmmmm Bar-B-Q), come join us on The Lost Flashbacks as we discuss many crazy things.
Thanks all, you all rock.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Toniiiiight is the niiiiiiight
Well, one of them...its Monday! Everyone's second favorite day of the week. Tonight, we will be discussing last week's episode, There's No Place Like Home (Part 1.) Amanda will also be discussing one very potentially peculiar spoiler - or maybe its nothing. So be sure to tune in for, its been a long time since I've done this! Also, I'd like to give a special on-blog shout out to my new best friend, Phoenix coffee guy =D
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Speed Racer and Contest Info
That's right, I saw Speed Racer. I know the questions you want answered so here I go...
1)Is it the worst movie of all time??
It's definetly possible.
2)Tell me what you really think
I havn't had that much fun at the movies in a LONG TIME!!
3)Should I see it?
If you don't, then you'll regret it. Honestly, it's so much fun!
4)How's Jack err, Mathew Fox?
He's great as Racer X, and made me smile in ever scene he was in.
5)How's Michael Giacchino's score?
If he doesn't get nominated for an oscar, it will be highway robbery.
6)Are there any Lost refferences in the movie?
One of the characters yells as Dr. Jack with a very familiar catchphrase.
Anymore questions about the movie, just ask.
OK Contest time.
After the season ends I'll do a much more elaborate post about it, but here i'll simply point out some changes.
1)Long time listener, and poster Tuna Donkey has asked if it's ok to stop after season 3 due to the inavailability of Season 4 on DVD. Since I'm not going to force you to do something illegal(dl torrent files), and since youtube vids can be degraded...this will be allowed. If you turn in a video that ends after the Season 3 finale, it will be acceptable. Just make sure it's done VERY well, you won't be docked for it much, but understand those that go to season 4 did more work, and they will be rewarded. However, the contest will not be over anytime soon, so there are other options than iTunes or youtube.
2)This is not a change, but simply a clarification. I said in the show that it would be ok to use more than one song/track. Amanda was right, that will NOT be ok. There are very long songs and even longer soundtrack tracks out there, and I know you all will do amazing. Any questions about this, please email us.
3)The photoshop contest. We were asked to point out again what this contest will entail. I'll put a quick description here, but will talk about it in detail on Monday. What you will do is try to include ever character you can think of in a school/team picture style way. Click HERE to see a Simpsons version of this. This will not be easy. I will detail the rules on Monday. Again any questions please e-mail us.
Hope that helps...and go see Speed Racer!!!
That's right, I saw Speed Racer. I know the questions you want answered so here I go...
1)Is it the worst movie of all time??
It's definetly possible.
2)Tell me what you really think
I havn't had that much fun at the movies in a LONG TIME!!
3)Should I see it?
If you don't, then you'll regret it. Honestly, it's so much fun!
4)How's Jack err, Mathew Fox?
He's great as Racer X, and made me smile in ever scene he was in.
5)How's Michael Giacchino's score?
If he doesn't get nominated for an oscar, it will be highway robbery.
6)Are there any Lost refferences in the movie?
One of the characters yells as Dr. Jack with a very familiar catchphrase.
Anymore questions about the movie, just ask.
OK Contest time.
After the season ends I'll do a much more elaborate post about it, but here i'll simply point out some changes.
1)Long time listener, and poster Tuna Donkey has asked if it's ok to stop after season 3 due to the inavailability of Season 4 on DVD. Since I'm not going to force you to do something illegal(dl torrent files), and since youtube vids can be degraded...this will be allowed. If you turn in a video that ends after the Season 3 finale, it will be acceptable. Just make sure it's done VERY well, you won't be docked for it much, but understand those that go to season 4 did more work, and they will be rewarded. However, the contest will not be over anytime soon, so there are other options than iTunes or youtube.
2)This is not a change, but simply a clarification. I said in the show that it would be ok to use more than one song/track. Amanda was right, that will NOT be ok. There are very long songs and even longer soundtrack tracks out there, and I know you all will do amazing. Any questions about this, please email us.
3)The photoshop contest. We were asked to point out again what this contest will entail. I'll put a quick description here, but will talk about it in detail on Monday. What you will do is try to include ever character you can think of in a school/team picture style way. Click HERE to see a Simpsons version of this. This will not be easy. I will detail the rules on Monday. Again any questions please e-mail us.
Hope that helps...and go see Speed Racer!!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
I've got Cabin Fever!!
And the only more Cow Bell(Where's Svetlana when you need her?).
What a crazy episode, Infant Locke, Young Locke-Mom, Young Locke, Teenage Locke, ALPERT, ABADON, Christian AND Claire!!
Move the Island?? Is Keamy the most evil Lost character ever?? Claire in the cabin???
So many more questions than that, please post any thoughts in the comments section.
What a crazy episode, Infant Locke, Young Locke-Mom, Young Locke, Teenage Locke, ALPERT, ABADON, Christian AND Claire!!
Move the Island?? Is Keamy the most evil Lost character ever?? Claire in the cabin???
So many more questions than that, please post any thoughts in the comments section.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Episode 55 - Initial Reaction of Something Nice Back Home
What a cool episode!
I didn't think it was at good as last week, but still enjoyed it a lot. Amanda however still is wearing her socks.
We find out more about Jack, and Kate's future, and see that Hurley is now very depressed, and also see once again that Jorge Garcia is fantastic!!! Chrisitan Shepard makes an appearance both on and off the Island!! We get another character saying "Dad?" We definetly get an answer to "Are Dannielle and Karl dead?", and LOST contiunes to enjoy it's new 10:00 time slot.
YO! I'm watching Attack of the Show at this moment on G4 and Damonoff and Carluse are on talkin about the episode. They refered to it as "an old school episode". I wish I had known they'd be on.
Post any comments and theories in the thread.
I didn't think it was at good as last week, but still enjoyed it a lot. Amanda however still is wearing her socks.
We find out more about Jack, and Kate's future, and see that Hurley is now very depressed, and also see once again that Jorge Garcia is fantastic!!! Chrisitan Shepard makes an appearance both on and off the Island!! We get another character saying "Dad?" We definetly get an answer to "Are Dannielle and Karl dead?", and LOST contiunes to enjoy it's new 10:00 time slot.
YO! I'm watching Attack of the Show at this moment on G4 and Damonoff and Carluse are on talkin about the episode. They refered to it as "an old school episode". I wish I had known they'd be on.
Post any comments and theories in the thread.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Episode 54 -The Shape of Thing to Come!
On the eve of the release of one of the most amazing video games of all time, we sat down and did a podcast about some tv show called Lost. But since it doesn't involve blowing police helicopters up with RPGs it's not nearly the coolest thing to come this week.
This was a great episode, and I think a very good podcast. We get really indepth with all the good stuff,and craziness of it, andwe definetly mourn the loss of one of the most interesting non-losties. Amanda and Josh both stay the entire time, and it's definetly back to the old skool Lost Flashbacks!!
Please post any comments, theories, complaints, questions, or anything else you can think of to type into a blog comment board.
Have fun kids, I'm gonna go play some GTA IV!!!
This was a great episode, and I think a very good podcast. We get really indepth with all the good stuff,and craziness of it, andwe definetly mourn the loss of one of the most interesting non-losties. Amanda and Josh both stay the entire time, and it's definetly back to the old skool Lost Flashbacks!!
Please post any comments, theories, complaints, questions, or anything else you can think of to type into a blog comment board.
Have fun kids, I'm gonna go play some GTA IV!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Episode 52 - That's an Interesting Theory!!
Well folks we actually got through an episode and talked about Lost for the vast majority of the show. Did we talk about other stuff? Yeah, but only briefly while we waited a few minutes at the beginning for others to join in.
This was a great show and a lot of fun to do. Sadly Amanda is only there for a short time, but she give us some amazing theories of hers, and a classic one from Cliff Ravenscraft(which we all wish is how it really happened). But it doesn't end there, Patti, Jealous Guy, and others join in and we discuss many of the big theories from all 4 season of Lost, and lots of the "mini-theories" too. We also spend the end of the show discussing theories for Season 4.5, and then do a small, yet impressive(since i'm like 99% spoiler-free) Spoiler Section.
I want to thank everyone for coming, and lets all hope episode 4.9 is so amazing it will make Josh forget about "the show that shall not be named".
Post any comments
PS I want to definetly thank Chris for emailing us his amazing theory, and I hope he'll post any further thoughts he has in the comments section.
This was a great show and a lot of fun to do. Sadly Amanda is only there for a short time, but she give us some amazing theories of hers, and a classic one from Cliff Ravenscraft(which we all wish is how it really happened). But it doesn't end there, Patti, Jealous Guy, and others join in and we discuss many of the big theories from all 4 season of Lost, and lots of the "mini-theories" too. We also spend the end of the show discussing theories for Season 4.5, and then do a small, yet impressive(since i'm like 99% spoiler-free) Spoiler Section.
I want to thank everyone for coming, and lets all hope episode 4.9 is so amazing it will make Josh forget about "the show that shall not be named".
Post any comments
PS I want to definetly thank Chris for emailing us his amazing theory, and I hope he'll post any further thoughts he has in the comments section.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Episode 51 - JACKCAST...well sorta
Hey all,
We had a lot of fun on Monday. What a crazy show!
We did talk about Jack, but we also talked about some other random stuff. Sadly Amanda couldn't make it until later, and you know what that means.......RAMBLECAST!!! That's right! I'm joined by Patti and we talk about just about anything that pops into our minds.
Hope you enjoy. And don't forget to join us this monday for our TheoryCast!! It will be a lot of fun. Hopefully Amanda's there, cause if not who knows what craziness will find it's way into the show.
We had a lot of fun on Monday. What a crazy show!
We did talk about Jack, but we also talked about some other random stuff. Sadly Amanda couldn't make it until later, and you know what that means.......RAMBLECAST!!! That's right! I'm joined by Patti and we talk about just about anything that pops into our minds.
Hope you enjoy. And don't forget to join us this monday for our TheoryCast!! It will be a lot of fun. Hopefully Amanda's there, cause if not who knows what craziness will find it's way into the show.
Monday, April 7, 2008
So...we totally stole that term from Jay and Jack...but everyone should come to the show tomorrow, because its going to be completely random and FUN! Especially if people actually show up =D So we'll talk to you tomorrow (Monday at 9 p.m. EST), right?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Zomg, we're alive =O
Hi kids! Looooong time, no speak. I'm so pressed for time that I'm posting this in the middle of class, by the way - and my teacher can see the screen...he's probably wondering why I'm not paying attention at all...ANYWHO!
So, we've actually had a lot of activity since our last post. Ji Yeon was a great episode, with possibly my favorite use of the flashback/forward/slightly to the left mechanism. I was totally surprised. Then last week, we met Kevin Johnson - and we learned a crapton! We learned that the island won't let certain people die (apparently), we learned that once they tell the audience something, it stops becoming a big deal if anyone on the show finds out, and most importantly, we learned how Mr. Friendly got his nickname. Sweet. Hopefully you've been keeping up with the episodes we've been recording, and also the Autism Speaks podcast by Jay and Jack. Amazing is all I can say. Tonight, we will be journeying into our Lost-free month when we cover Meet Kevin Johnson, and a mystery theme that Josh may or may not have discussed last week...yeah. Hope you'll join us, and sorry about the lack of updates! x.x
Amanda (and Josh - just wanted to let you know who was posting)
So, we've actually had a lot of activity since our last post. Ji Yeon was a great episode, with possibly my favorite use of the flashback/forward/slightly to the left mechanism. I was totally surprised. Then last week, we met Kevin Johnson - and we learned a crapton! We learned that the island won't let certain people die (apparently), we learned that once they tell the audience something, it stops becoming a big deal if anyone on the show finds out, and most importantly, we learned how Mr. Friendly got his nickname. Sweet. Hopefully you've been keeping up with the episodes we've been recording, and also the Autism Speaks podcast by Jay and Jack. Amazing is all I can say. Tonight, we will be journeying into our Lost-free month when we cover Meet Kevin Johnson, and a mystery theme that Josh may or may not have discussed last week...yeah. Hope you'll join us, and sorry about the lack of updates! x.x
Amanda (and Josh - just wanted to let you know who was posting)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Sorry no Initial Reaction show.
Sorry all,
I know I said we'd have the 1st Initial Reaction show, but there won't be one this week.
If you want to though, you can chat in the comments section about Episode 4.6 The Other Woman.
Here are my Initial Reactions(Normally Amanda and I will do 5, but I'll do 10 just this once...but i'm sure I will again)
1)Juliet finally wasn't acting all bitchy...that didn't last to long.
2)The Jack/Juliet Stuff was horrible
3)The Juliet/Ben stuff was annoying and pointless
4)The Locke/Ben stuff was cool, but delivered horribly
5)The Jokes were good(i.e. The Rabbit Joke, "Being an Other is stressful".
6)I like how Ben taped over the Red Sox game and how that gives us a timeframe of when the Widmore tape was made.
7)Harper was annoying.
8)The whole secret mission to the Tempest was stupid, if they were doing something good and Anti-Ben why not tell JACK!!! HE HATES BEN!!!
9)The Tempest is yet another Dharma Station....COOL!! I love new Dharma Stations. And what a cool name!
10)I litterally yelled at the TV twice during the episode. First was when Locke was talking to Ben, I yelled, "Shut the door you idiot, he's messing with your mind". And Second was when Juliet was pointing a gun at Farraday, "Don't shoot him, he's cool...and a lot nicer than YOU!!"
Please tell me if you agree, disagree, or think I'm a horrible person in the comments section...along with your own thoughts of course.
I know I said we'd have the 1st Initial Reaction show, but there won't be one this week.
If you want to though, you can chat in the comments section about Episode 4.6 The Other Woman.
Here are my Initial Reactions(Normally Amanda and I will do 5, but I'll do 10 just this once...but i'm sure I will again)
1)Juliet finally wasn't acting all bitchy...that didn't last to long.
2)The Jack/Juliet Stuff was horrible
3)The Juliet/Ben stuff was annoying and pointless
4)The Locke/Ben stuff was cool, but delivered horribly
5)The Jokes were good(i.e. The Rabbit Joke, "Being an Other is stressful".
6)I like how Ben taped over the Red Sox game and how that gives us a timeframe of when the Widmore tape was made.
7)Harper was annoying.
8)The whole secret mission to the Tempest was stupid, if they were doing something good and Anti-Ben why not tell JACK!!! HE HATES BEN!!!
9)The Tempest is yet another Dharma Station....COOL!! I love new Dharma Stations. And what a cool name!
10)I litterally yelled at the TV twice during the episode. First was when Locke was talking to Ben, I yelled, "Shut the door you idiot, he's messing with your mind". And Second was when Juliet was pointing a gun at Farraday, "Don't shoot him, he's cool...and a lot nicer than YOU!!"
Please tell me if you agree, disagree, or think I'm a horrible person in the comments section...along with your own thoughts of course.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I finished the game.
I know most of you probably saw it on DarkUFO long before I did, but I didn't want to be spoiled.
I won't say anything here about it, but that ending...WOW!!!
I know most of you probably saw it on DarkUFO long before I did, but I didn't want to be spoiled.
I won't say anything here about it, but that ending...WOW!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
THE CONSTANT....Best Episode Ever??
Wow, The Constant is such an amazing episode, and doing this show was definetly fun. However, it wasn't tons of fun since there's no Amanda. That's right, Josh does this episode solo, and when I say solo...I mean SOLO. No one else speaks the entire episode except yours truly. Which was not easy. So when I can't do simple addition like 2 hours in....give me a break. :)
In this episode I discuss Episode 4.5, The Constant. I declare it's one of my favorite episodes of all time, and without finales, it's in my top 2 or top 3, which is HUGE. I love Desmond, and I love the relationship with Penny. I love the music in the episode, I love the writing in those Dez/Penny scenes, I love how they do the time travel and avoid paradoxes, I love Daniel Faraday. period, I love Fisher Stevens, I love their "friend" on the boat, I love the allusions to the Find815 ARG, I love all the stuff with The Black Rock and Hanso, I love the Ben lookalike in the back of the room, I love this episode, and I love season 4.
Ok, after I discuss the episode, I talk about, and review the new Lost video game, Lost: Via Domus a little bit. I want to thank tunadonkey for helping me with my issue, and I now feel even stupider since it's easy as hell.
The spoiler section in this episode is not as much as it is when Amanda is here since I'm spoiler-free. I do give two HUGE spoilers for the next episode of Lost(that's sarcasm). The spoiler section this week mainly has to do with the video game, which isn't complete since I hadn't(and still havn't) finished the game.
Download Episode 43 HERE.
Please comment about anything you want, but mostly about my theories, and ideas about Minkowski and Time Travel. Also comment about the new initial reaction show we'll be doing, and your thougths on that.
Wow, The Constant is such an amazing episode, and doing this show was definetly fun. However, it wasn't tons of fun since there's no Amanda. That's right, Josh does this episode solo, and when I say solo...I mean SOLO. No one else speaks the entire episode except yours truly. Which was not easy. So when I can't do simple addition like 2 hours in....give me a break. :)
In this episode I discuss Episode 4.5, The Constant. I declare it's one of my favorite episodes of all time, and without finales, it's in my top 2 or top 3, which is HUGE. I love Desmond, and I love the relationship with Penny. I love the music in the episode, I love the writing in those Dez/Penny scenes, I love how they do the time travel and avoid paradoxes, I love Daniel Faraday. period, I love Fisher Stevens, I love their "friend" on the boat, I love the allusions to the Find815 ARG, I love all the stuff with The Black Rock and Hanso, I love the Ben lookalike in the back of the room, I love this episode, and I love season 4.
Ok, after I discuss the episode, I talk about, and review the new Lost video game, Lost: Via Domus a little bit. I want to thank tunadonkey for helping me with my issue, and I now feel even stupider since it's easy as hell.
The spoiler section in this episode is not as much as it is when Amanda is here since I'm spoiler-free. I do give two HUGE spoilers for the next episode of Lost(that's sarcasm). The spoiler section this week mainly has to do with the video game, which isn't complete since I hadn't(and still havn't) finished the game.
Download Episode 43 HERE.
Please comment about anything you want, but mostly about my theories, and ideas about Minkowski and Time Travel. Also comment about the new initial reaction show we'll be doing, and your thougths on that.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Answer is...YES???...IS....YES YES???....Forty-Two!!
Well here it is folks, episode 42!!!
We discuss Lost episode 4.4 EGGTOWN. What does that title mean?? Has Locke finally gone off the deep end??? How does Ben have $3.2 Million??? What happened to the helicopter?? Is Aaron the 5th member of the Oceanic 6 to be revealed?? Who will be the 6th??? Who are the two people Jack mentions in his testimony?? What the frak is Kate doing with Aaron???
These are just some of the issues we talk about.
We also have our first ever real theme show about THE NUMBERS!!!
It's long, and if I put you to sleep, or made you think, "shut up!!!". I'm sorry, perhaps I was so tired I unconsiously wanted everyone to be as sleepy as me. :) I promise, the next theme show I'll be more excited. Why???
Cause the next theme show will be on Monday, March 3rd, not only will we talk about 4.5-The Constant, but the theme will be LOST: Via Domus!! Josh will give his review of the new Lost video game!!!! Hopefully Amanda will too, but I dunno if she'll play it by then.
Download EPISODE 42!! HERE
We discuss Lost episode 4.4 EGGTOWN. What does that title mean?? Has Locke finally gone off the deep end??? How does Ben have $3.2 Million??? What happened to the helicopter?? Is Aaron the 5th member of the Oceanic 6 to be revealed?? Who will be the 6th??? Who are the two people Jack mentions in his testimony?? What the frak is Kate doing with Aaron???
These are just some of the issues we talk about.
We also have our first ever real theme show about THE NUMBERS!!!
It's long, and if I put you to sleep, or made you think, "shut up!!!". I'm sorry, perhaps I was so tired I unconsiously wanted everyone to be as sleepy as me. :) I promise, the next theme show I'll be more excited. Why???
Cause the next theme show will be on Monday, March 3rd, not only will we talk about 4.5-The Constant, but the theme will be LOST: Via Domus!! Josh will give his review of the new Lost video game!!!! Hopefully Amanda will too, but I dunno if she'll play it by then.
Download EPISODE 42!! HERE
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Economist (or not...), and other business
Once again, my complete lack of free time has made it so that you all get the podcast from LAST week on the day that the new episode airs...I'm really sorry. If anyone still wants to listen to that (and we think that everyone should), here's the link:
Episode 41 - The "Not" Economist
Make sure to tune in for our first real theme show, plus the Eggtown re-cap on Monday night. We're going to have lots of fun talking about the numbers...oooooOOOoooohhh... And as always, you can catch us on Big-O's live reaction show Thursday at 10 immediately after the episode airs.
You might also notice that a new poll has popped up - after a conversation with the Joshmeister, boredom, and...well...just wanting to, Amanda has been toying with the idea of making a Lost Flashbacks Podcast t-shirt. A lot of other people have them, and since we can make them for free through Cafe Press, I figure why not. Even if only one person wants one, that one person is enough for me. That one person is also my favorite person in the universe. So here's what I need from you all. Not only do I need to know if there is actually an interest in a t-shirt, but what kind of design you'd like on it. Amanda is a Photoshop addict, and has already been playing with a few ideas. I'm pretty sure that the photo that we used for the logo is copyrighted, and therefore cannot be used. The idea I'm playing with right now is distressed text on the front that says "Don't bug me - I'm having a flashback." and possibly the blog address on the back. If anyone would like to purchase one of those, or has a better idea (and I know someone does), please comment in this blog or email us - thanks much in advance, and enjoy tomorrow's episode - I know I'm really pumped!
Episode 41 - The "Not" Economist
Make sure to tune in for our first real theme show, plus the Eggtown re-cap on Monday night. We're going to have lots of fun talking about the numbers...oooooOOOoooohhh... And as always, you can catch us on Big-O's live reaction show Thursday at 10 immediately after the episode airs.
You might also notice that a new poll has popped up - after a conversation with the Joshmeister, boredom, and...well...just wanting to, Amanda has been toying with the idea of making a Lost Flashbacks Podcast t-shirt. A lot of other people have them, and since we can make them for free through Cafe Press, I figure why not. Even if only one person wants one, that one person is enough for me. That one person is also my favorite person in the universe. So here's what I need from you all. Not only do I need to know if there is actually an interest in a t-shirt, but what kind of design you'd like on it. Amanda is a Photoshop addict, and has already been playing with a few ideas. I'm pretty sure that the photo that we used for the logo is copyrighted, and therefore cannot be used. The idea I'm playing with right now is distressed text on the front that says "Don't bug me - I'm having a flashback." and possibly the blog address on the back. If anyone would like to purchase one of those, or has a better idea (and I know someone does), please comment in this blog or email us - thanks much in advance, and enjoy tomorrow's episode - I know I'm really pumped!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Love is in the air!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I'm not very into this holiday, because my significant other is currently 200 miles away...but that doesn't make me any less excited about the NEW POLL! The Lost Valentine poll =D This is the post in which you can leave any comments, or let me know if I forgot someone! And, though it should go without saying, you are more than welcome to vote on BOTH polls, regardless of gender or orientation. =) As it was last year, V-Day is also LOST day! So tell your special someone that if they really love you, they'll understand that the importance of a silly holiday fabricated by greeting card companies pales in comparison to that of the greatest show to ever grace T.V. screens =)
Don't forget that after the episode Thursday, both Josh and I will be calling into Big-O's live reaction show, and we invite all of you to join us! The chat opens at 9 p.m. so we can talk while the episode is on =D
Also, here is Monday night's episode, JUST in case you didn't get it yet!
Episode 40 - Not Quite Confirmed Dead Yet
Don't forget that after the episode Thursday, both Josh and I will be calling into Big-O's live reaction show, and we invite all of you to join us! The chat opens at 9 p.m. so we can talk while the episode is on =D
Also, here is Monday night's episode, JUST in case you didn't get it yet!
Episode 40 - Not Quite Confirmed Dead Yet
Friday, February 8, 2008
Monday night!
How AWESOME was 4.02 Confirmed Dead!?! I'm loving all of the newbies already (one more than the If you want to hear our take on it, tune in Monday night when we'll be recording our 4.02 show, and maybe talk about a theme as well! We'll also hopefully be able to report and official end to the writer's strike, as negotiations are set to take place tomorrow =D Until then, here is Wednesday night's episode, in which I discussed 4.01 The Beginning of the End
Episode 38 - 4.01 The Beginning of the End
Episode 38 - 4.01 The Beginning of the End
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Surprise Podcast WEDNESDAY
Since its already technically Wednesday, I didn't want to risk saying "tomorrow"...haha. Yes, there will be a 4.01 review show at 9 p.m. on Wednesday. If you read this, PLEASE come support the show, because not very many people will know that its going to happen. Lots of things, like the official day/time and the name are still up in the air, so keep checking back!
Monday, February 4, 2008
THE GIANTS WON THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As un-fraking-believable that that is, I still can't really get my mind around it. BUT, since this is a Lost podcast I have to connect it to the show. Well here we go...
For those of you that slept through Roman Numerals day in middle school, XLII is 42. That's RIGHT. 42!!. One of the numbers, and according to Douglas Adams, it's the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. The score of the game was 17-14. Niether of them are numbers, but if you really want to get crazy 1+7 = 8, and 1 X 4 = 4. I also saw several Lost commericals while I was watching the post-game coverage on ESPN(which is owned by disney).
There really isn't anything else that's connected, other than the fact that HBO has been showing "We Are Marshall" again and again, and I finally saw it. Jack, err I mean Mathew Fox does a very good job in the movie, but I have to admit. Doing this podcast ruined one of the more moving scenes of the movie. Fox's character gets very upset at one point, and clearly makes the CrazyJack face, the same one he made when Locke appeared in his bloody shirt. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He also cries of course, and I find it scary that Jack has cried so much I KNOW what Mathew Fox looks like when he's pretending to cry that I could predict exactly how his face would look while doing it.
Anyway, GIANTS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means I may not be on the Find815 Podcast tonight, but definetly listen to it anyway it will be amazing. We may try to put a link to the episode on this site, but I don't know how to do that so we'll see. And, very soon there will be an update to the future of The Lost Flashbacks(name pending). Have a nice week all, and lets all say it together. 18 AND 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As un-fraking-believable that that is, I still can't really get my mind around it. BUT, since this is a Lost podcast I have to connect it to the show. Well here we go...
For those of you that slept through Roman Numerals day in middle school, XLII is 42. That's RIGHT. 42!!. One of the numbers, and according to Douglas Adams, it's the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. The score of the game was 17-14. Niether of them are numbers, but if you really want to get crazy 1+7 = 8, and 1 X 4 = 4. I also saw several Lost commericals while I was watching the post-game coverage on ESPN(which is owned by disney).
There really isn't anything else that's connected, other than the fact that HBO has been showing "We Are Marshall" again and again, and I finally saw it. Jack, err I mean Mathew Fox does a very good job in the movie, but I have to admit. Doing this podcast ruined one of the more moving scenes of the movie. Fox's character gets very upset at one point, and clearly makes the CrazyJack face, the same one he made when Locke appeared in his bloody shirt. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He also cries of course, and I find it scary that Jack has cried so much I KNOW what Mathew Fox looks like when he's pretending to cry that I could predict exactly how his face would look while doing it.
Anyway, GIANTS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means I may not be on the Find815 Podcast tonight, but definetly listen to it anyway it will be amazing. We may try to put a link to the episode on this site, but I don't know how to do that so we'll see. And, very soon there will be an update to the future of The Lost Flashbacks(name pending). Have a nice week all, and lets all say it together. 18 AND 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Finale
Here it is - the last episode of Lost Flashbacks, about the last episode of season 3. I think we do a really great show, but the end is especially worth listening to. Even i you're intimidated by the length of the show, skip ahead to the last hour and a half or so, because we both share some really interesting insights. Plus, we drop some of our best theories yet - completely by accident! Comments are ALWAYS welcome, especially if its something that we made a special inquiry towards (cough*Charlie'suicide*cough). Keep an eye on the blog to find out when we'll be recording our first theme show, and of course what the theme will be =) Expect a poll, because I doubt we'll be deciding that ourselves =) If you really need even more Lost Flashbacks (and who doesn't?), you can catch us tomorrow on Big-O's live reaction podcast, which we will hopefully get permission to post here. Until tomorrow (later today) when we will have a NEW EPISODE OF LOST, here's the finale podcast:
Episode 38 - Through the Looking Glass
Episode 38 - Through the Looking Glass
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Episode 37 - Charlie's and Our Greatest Hits
This was such an amazing episode. The writing, directing and acting were just incredible, and Josh got a little choked up. We try to keep it more upbeat, but this is such a difficult episode to joke about, it's so sad. But it's also such an amazing eulogy to Charlie. The scene between him and Hurley is so sad, and now knowing exactly what goes down in the finale, it's even more sad. And that last scene on the surface, with him standing in the boat is so beautiful, I'll ask again, "How did this show not even get nominated for an emmy that season??"
After we are done with the ep, we discuss the absolutly amazing mobisode(Which is right below this post thanks to DarkUFO). Please tell us what you think in that thread cause we already got a good conversation going.
After the mobisode we discuss our own personal greatest hits. Josh starts off telling a story about what the podcast, and all of you really mean to him. We then give our lists of top everything, capped off with the Podcasts' Top 5 greatest moment. There's also a nice little ramble about our favorite quotes.
Download the Episode here.
1) The next show is on at 11:00 ET on Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008. Directly after TTLG airs on ABC(on the East Coast at least, sorry Pacific Time Zone)
2)What do you think the show should be called after the rewatch is done?? Or do you think we should keep the name?
3)Vote in our two Polls. One ends very soon, and the Other one(pun intended) ends in mid-Feb.
Thanks all, you have no idea.
After we are done with the ep, we discuss the absolutly amazing mobisode(Which is right below this post thanks to DarkUFO). Please tell us what you think in that thread cause we already got a good conversation going.
After the mobisode we discuss our own personal greatest hits. Josh starts off telling a story about what the podcast, and all of you really mean to him. We then give our lists of top everything, capped off with the Podcasts' Top 5 greatest moment. There's also a nice little ramble about our favorite quotes.
Download the Episode here.
1) The next show is on at 11:00 ET on Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008. Directly after TTLG airs on ABC(on the East Coast at least, sorry Pacific Time Zone)
2)What do you think the show should be called after the rewatch is done?? Or do you think we should keep the name?
3)Vote in our two Polls. One ends very soon, and the Other one(pun intended) ends in mid-Feb.
Thanks all, you have no idea.
Monday, January 28, 2008
If you only watch ONE mobisode this season...
This got me SO unbelievably pumped for Thursday....and it made my jaw hit the floor:
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Episode 36 - The Man Behind the Curtain
Our final Thursday Episode before the beginning of Season 4 of Lost. This was a really fun episode to do. For some reason, Amanda and I a very giddy during this mostly sad Lost episode inwhich we learn a lot about Ben, and some pretty amazing things about the Island. We probably could have done an entire podcast about some of the scenes in this episode. We also came up with an episode of Lost that must someday come to pass, "The Total Animal Flashback Episode." Cause darnit, I want to see those polar bears swimming to the main island, and I KNOW we all want to see what Vincent does when we don't see him.
Please vote in both our Polls, and do tell us what you think we should do for our Finale Episode. Should we start at 9:00 EST, or start when TTLG ends on TV at 11:00 EST. We discuss this at the end of the show, and Amanda changes my mind(cause she know's A LOT more about this stuff than me, and we all know she's definetly smarter). But we need to know what y'all think.
DL the episode HERE.
btw, if, you have not gotten this episode in your normal "The Lost Flashbacks" feed off of iTunes tell us imediatly. There has been some issues with it in the past couple weeks.
I also want to do a shout out to Roger Workman(not Roger Linus) who was there the whole show and had some great lines in the chat. We hope he calls in someday.
Please vote in both our Polls, and do tell us what you think we should do for our Finale Episode. Should we start at 9:00 EST, or start when TTLG ends on TV at 11:00 EST. We discuss this at the end of the show, and Amanda changes my mind(cause she know's A LOT more about this stuff than me, and we all know she's definetly smarter). But we need to know what y'all think.
DL the episode HERE.
btw, if, you have not gotten this episode in your normal "The Lost Flashbacks" feed off of iTunes tell us imediatly. There has been some issues with it in the past couple weeks.
I also want to do a shout out to Roger Workman(not Roger Linus) who was there the whole show and had some great lines in the chat. We hope he calls in someday.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Brig
Hey kids! We're recording Episode 36 right now, but here's episode 35, which was delayed because of Talkshoe issues. They've updated so that you can join the chat without actually downloading and registering - neat! Be sure to check out our next episode tonight or tomorrow, but for now....
Episode 35 - The Brig
Episode 35 - The Brig
Monday, January 21, 2008
I finally saw Cloverfield. I liked it a lot. Not the greatest film ever, and not the amazing ground-breaking film some have said it is. But I definelty liked it a lot.
It's funny, fun, scary(even I got a little scared), sad, etc. You do see the Monster, and sadly, it's not a cloud of black smoke, nor is it actually the Bad Robot(or at least I don't think it is). But it's also not simply a large form of some animal(i.e. a large lizard, or monkey). I didn't see many Lost references, there were some fun ones at the end of the movie(thier last names), but other than that, I really didn't see any. There was a point I thought they would have a lot of fun with it, but they didn't. If anyone knows of some really good ones, and you think it's a spoiler please send them me via my MySpace(link to it is on the blog).
Also, stay during the credits, there is an absolutly amazing score done by Michael Giacchino. There is no score during the film of course, but this one during the credits it's excellent. I plan to DL it(from iTunes) as soon as possible.
Non Lost Related stuff: The Star Trek teaser. If the movie is done as well as that Teaser, then this will be one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever made. Nuf Said. I still am extremly nervous about the Star Trek movie, and keep hearing things that make me more and more nervous. But i have faith in JJ and Damon. Season 3 of Lost taught me to NEVER lose faith in Damon Lindeloff and company.
in Conclusion, I definetly recommend this movie.
It's funny, fun, scary(even I got a little scared), sad, etc. You do see the Monster, and sadly, it's not a cloud of black smoke, nor is it actually the Bad Robot(or at least I don't think it is). But it's also not simply a large form of some animal(i.e. a large lizard, or monkey). I didn't see many Lost references, there were some fun ones at the end of the movie(thier last names), but other than that, I really didn't see any. There was a point I thought they would have a lot of fun with it, but they didn't. If anyone knows of some really good ones, and you think it's a spoiler please send them me via my MySpace(link to it is on the blog).
Also, stay during the credits, there is an absolutly amazing score done by Michael Giacchino. There is no score during the film of course, but this one during the credits it's excellent. I plan to DL it(from iTunes) as soon as possible.
Non Lost Related stuff: The Star Trek teaser. If the movie is done as well as that Teaser, then this will be one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever made. Nuf Said. I still am extremly nervous about the Star Trek movie, and keep hearing things that make me more and more nervous. But i have faith in JJ and Damon. Season 3 of Lost taught me to NEVER lose faith in Damon Lindeloff and company.
in Conclusion, I definetly recommend this movie.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Episode 34 : Catch D.O.C.
Hey kids! (Yes, this is obviously Amanda.) I'm very pleased with this week's episode, mainly because I actually participated. This week, Desmond is drunk (again), Charlie dies (again and again and again...), Kate is less-than-super, Claire is unusually MIA, and Sun is a BAD-ASS. Well, so is Jin. Bad ass, and hilarious. Also, don't miss when Amanda drops one of her biggest theories of the series (hey, that rhymed!) We're on that downward slope toward the season four premiere, and its all pretty much jaw-droppingly amazing from here on out. Be sure to look for our newest episode, The Brig, next TUESDAY. We'll be spreading out our schedule a bit, because we think that the last handful of episodes deserve some one-on-one time. Anyway, I think that the hypothetical episode where we discuss The Brig AND The Man Behind the Curtain would be too large of a file to fit on anyone's iPod - so look for TMBTC's show at our normal day and time on Thursday at 9 p.m. EST. The following week, we'll be bringing you a *Very Special* Lost Flashbacks, as we cover Greatest Hits, and also discuss some of our own PERSONAL "greatest hits." Check the blog (or the podcast...) to make sure that no changes are made to this schedule.
In the meantime, don't forget to vote on our "Who's your favorite Other?" poll, which will end just in time for a special Lost Valentine's Day poll - so get your votes in before February 12!
Episode 34 : Catch D.O.C.
In the meantime, don't forget to vote on our "Who's your favorite Other?" poll, which will end just in time for a special Lost Valentine's Day poll - so get your votes in before February 12!
Episode 34 : Catch D.O.C.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Episode 33 - Behind Us
Another Girl Power Episode. And you know Josh loves them Girl Power Episodes. Today we discuss Lost Season 3 episodes Left Behind, and One of Us. Josh makes a pretty shocking statement toward the end of the episode, but he's sticking by it. Also, Amanda stops by and makes the show a billion times better. We were all so happy she came by...even though she didn't say much during Left Behind, but that's cause she hates it. I guess hot chicks mudwrestling doesn't get her excited. Oh well, who knew?
Also, tune into the end cause we discuss the upcoming schedual of episodes. They vary highly because ABC decided to start season 4 at the exact moment that we originally had planned to record our episode about Through the Looking Glass.
Download the episode HERE.
Next Week we discuss Catch-22. and DOC. Not totally Girl Power, but Desmond does have long hair.
Also, tune into the end cause we discuss the upcoming schedual of episodes. They vary highly because ABC decided to start season 4 at the exact moment that we originally had planned to record our episode about Through the Looking Glass.
Download the episode HERE.
Next Week we discuss Catch-22. and DOC. Not totally Girl Power, but Desmond does have long hair.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Episode 32 - The Man From Expose
Amanda is going through some rough personal times, so please bear with her the next two weeks. Here is episode 32:
Episode 32 - The Man From Expose
Episode 32 - The Man From Expose
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Sorry all, actually we will be on on Friday
That's right, the podcast is getting around more than Sawyer did. But, this time we won't change it again. It will be on Friday, Jan 4, 2008.
We had to change it, there was an issue at Josh's work, and they needed him. That's how awesome he is.
Join us same Bat Channel, but a slightly altered Bat Time.
Send all hate mail to Josh.
We had to change it, there was an issue at Josh's work, and they needed him. That's how awesome he is.
Join us same Bat Channel, but a slightly altered Bat Time.
Send all hate mail to Josh.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Important! Moving to Wednesday night!
At the request of myself, we have decided to record the show WEDNESDAY, January 2nd this week. If you read this, please come out and support us, because we could definitely use the live participation, since some of our regulars will most likely not be able to make it. If absolutely no one shows up, we will abort the Wednesday night attempt and move back to Thursday, so check back here for updates. Thanks for bearing with us!
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